Frequently Asked Questions
Here, you can quickly find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Comfort Suites Maingate East. Please feel free to call the hotel and our friendly staff will happily answer any additional questions you may have. Call us toll-free at (888) 784-8379 (U.S. and Canada) or contact us locally at (407) 397-7848.
Standard check-in is at 3 p.m., but if you arrive earlier and we have a clean room available, you’ll certainly get a key. We offer a convenient baggage storage area if your room is not available for early check-in. Checkout time is 11 a.m.
Complimentary high-speed wireless Internet is offered throughout the entire hotel with an additional wired high-speed connection available in all guest suites.
Our hotel features all smoke-free rooms.
The expanded breakfast buffet offers a wide variety of hot and cold items that are rotated daily. Eggs, breakfast meats, hot and cold cereals, and our famous Mickey Mouse waffles are always on the menu, along with toast, bagels and yogurt. Beverages include coffee, tea, hot chocolate, milk and fruit juice.
Service pets are always welcome. All other pets must be boarded at pet care facilities in the Kissimmee area.
The family amusement park, Old Town, is just steps from our property. Nearby eateries include Flippers Pizzeria, Red Lobster, Burger King, Checkers, Pirates Miniature Golf, World Food Truck Court, Shoney's, Ponderosa, Kentucky Fried Chicken and more.
Comfort Suites Maingate East is located near many retail locations for your shopping convenience, including stores like Walgreens, CVS Pharmacy, Wal-Mart, Target and Publix all within three miles. Additionally, if you need a snack or some over-the-counter medication, check out our convenient St. Kitts Gift and Sundry Shop located on-site.
Our outdoor heated pool and whirlpool spa are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. As a courtesy to our guests, we implement an evening quiet time starting at 10 p.m.
Our hotel near Walt Disney World® is about 20 to 30 minutes from the airport, depending on traffic. Mears Transportation Group is one of your best options for reliable and affordable transportation. Located on the Ground Transportation Level at Orlando International Airport, Mears provides a convenient walk-up service or easy advance scheduling through their website. Mears’ round-trip service to our hotel starts at $34 for adults, and $27 for children ages 4 to 11. Children 3 and under are complimentary. They also offer group transportation services.
Definitely! As a Walt Disney World Good Neighbor® hotel, you can purchase through our Disney ticket store link. Don't forget to reserve your park pass! You can also purchase them, along with other area attractions, dinner show reservations, and much more through All Guest Services by texting 407-858-8569.
Located poolside, our Daiquiri is open from 3 p.m. until 10 p.m for food and through 11 p.m for drinks. There are plenty of restaurants within walking distance. In the lobby, St. Kitts Gift and Sundry shop is great for on-the-go snacks and drinks. We also offer complimentary self-serve coffee, tea, and water daily from 5 a.m. to 9 p.m. in our breakfast dining area.
We will be happy to continue receiving packages for our guests, up to twenty-one days prior to arrival. Beginning March 15, 2017 we will be charging a nominal fee of $5 USD per package.